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Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:32 am
by Forceuser
Force was preparing his stuff when Toaster and Ed appeared.

"OK, is everyone ready?" asked Toaster.

"I got hold of a plan of the town," explained Ed.

"Good, that will help us to find our way to the weapons," replied Force, "After Toaster's dropped us off, my group will go for the weapons. Ed, your group will try to find out where they are making them and sabotage it. Alright, everyone? Good, let's go."

They headed off to get their stuff. Within 15 minutes they were all by the entrance ready to go. Loading themselves onto the Armadillo, they set off.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:30 pm
by RacerSoaker445
I'm with Ed's group for now.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:16 pm
by Toaster
Toaster was sitting in the passenger's seat for once. Monkey had asked to drive, and Toaster had agreed, but on the condition that they switched after they dropped the strike team. Now, the leader of the Sabres was engrossed in his map, mumbling to himself.
Wontwood and Luke were up top, manning the weapons. Luke manned the forward Gemini, and Wontwood, as he had with the Broadsword, sat at the controls of the Nodachi, warily watching the woods to their left. Force had chosen to give the back Gemini cannon a try, and was currently making sure the clips beside him were full.
Eyleascial rode behind them, Draco cannons at the ready. She was going to take Force's spot after the drop, and man the signals.
The Armadillo rumbled towards the Tempest fortress, full of eager souls.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:58 am
by Forceuser
Reaching the drop point, the Armadillo ground to a halt.

"Alright guys, this is as far as you are going," Toaster called back.

The strike team disembarked. With a salute to Toaster, Force led them at a brisk jog in the direction of the infiltration point.

Force looked at his watch. Ten minutes until Toaster attacked. Ten minutes to get to the pipe, through it, and be in a position to capture or destroy the Tempests' gun, or worse, guns. He was confident that they could do it. He just hoped they didn't run into many Tempest patrols.

A few minutes later, they were at the pipe.

"We're going down there?" asked Nat.

"Yep. Don't worry, there's no nasty rats or anything like that," replied Force jokingly.

Nat stared at him, then turned and headed off down the tunnel. Everyone else followed behind.

You can take your squad from here Ed. Don't forget that your trying to find where the Tempests are making the guns, and that Racer is with you.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:14 pm
by Spinner
Spinner clutched wildly at the sill as the tree lurched drunkenly. Getting his forearms over, he spent a moment or two of sheer panic, then regained control and scrambled into the opening.

He was in a dark corridor. To his left was a flight of stairs, down which he could hear voices. Therefore, he went on, until he came to a door. Everything sounding quiet, he turned the handle and slipped in.

Immediately tripping over a heavy object on the floor, he lunged forward into the darkness, grabbing hold of something which came crashing down with him as he fell.

The noise in the small room sounded monstrous, and he covered his ears with his hands. Once it seemed to have settled down, he turned over, with his XP 15 pointing ready at the door. Nobody came, though. Obviously it had been too far away for them to hear it.

So getting up, he stumbled to the door, fumbled for the light switch, and flicked it on.

He then saw what he had tripped over. A man, breathing slowly, was propped up against a box.

"Drunk!" realised Spinner. "Obviously came in here to sleep it off. Well, I'll relieve him of his uniform."

As he did so, he noticed what had crashed down. Many small guns were lying around, with their shelf unit also having fallen down.

"Must be some kind of a light armoury," he said, "I see they've got 70s, 95s, 55s and MD5000s." Buttoning up his shirt, he selected a 95 and loaded it from a handy tap.

"Now to find out a bit more about what's going on here," he said to himself. Opening the door cautiously, he then sidled out into the corridor.

EDIT: I keep forgetting to pin this. I'll do so now. ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:48 pm
by Wild Boys
Snake finally arrived at the docks of the island. The storm was dying down now but it was still raining hard and was very dark now.

He parked up his dingy and went up the stairs to the lock-up to get his car. But as he was near the top, he could see a figure standing near the start of the docks. Snake went a bit further down the steps so he was less visible to the person even though it was hard to see anyway because of the pouring rain and that the start of the docks was pretty far away.

Snake could see that the figure had a gun, and it looked like quite a big one that could cause Snake a bit of trouble. The figure moved the gun around and Snake saw what it was due to the shaped outline of it.

"Uh oh, I could be in a bit of a mess here if I get detected by this person"

To his eyes, the gun the figure was holding was a CPS 2000 which made Snake more cautious than ever. He had to stay hidden, not knowing what the figure was going to do.

The figure didn't look like a friend though, it looked like some sort of mystery boss perhaps sent by the Tempests or just playing his own game at hunting people down.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:20 pm
by Mutton
someone include me in their part the story. :angry:

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:11 pm
by Toaster
Now the fun begins.

Toaster drove towards the attack zone. After the drop, he and Monkey had switched, Eyleascial had stashed her bike and gone up top, and everyone made sure they were ready.
Monkey leaned over and said, "I bet Wontwood will be surprised with the Nodachi. I made a few... "tweaks" to it..."
Looking over, Toaster raised an eyebrow and inquired as to the "tweaks".
"Oh, just a few power modifications," Monkey explained. "In fact, it's nearly as powerful as the Broadsword now."
With a sigh of disdain, Toaster turned back to the road.

Toaster yelled a war cry as he steered the Armadillo back and forth. The gunners opened up, and the small hail of water balloons soared over the outer wall. Wontwood opened up on a defence post with the Nodachi. The plywood bunker disintegrated and the guns inside scattered across the ground within the walls. The Tempests scrambled to respond, but Luke and Eyleascial plastered anyone who showed their faces above the wall.
Checking his watch, Toaster leaned out the window of the cab and shouted back, "RAE! NOW!"
Eyleascial held a lighter beside a series of tubes, lighting a fuse. A dozen roman candles soared up in quick succession. This was the signal for Force's team.
Toaster continued the attack, which was going better than expected. Luke and Eyleascial were managing to hold off the Tempest defenders, and Wontwood was smashing anything that he could hit with the Nodachi.

off to you... Force, Ed?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:45 am
by DX
Duxburian and the Militia pulled up to the Sabre compund, only to find it empty. "Oh well, I guess we will just proceed on to the Tempest stronghold, and support the raid, with whoever is involved in it. They don't know that there are mass amounts of Tempest troops in there, no other group had our kind of view at the headland fort." Duxburian continued to explain to his men, "...and tell anyone you meet not to rush in, or they will be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Tempests behind the powerful inner wall. Oh, and don't forget to mention the huge cannons defending the inner wall, and that there is an inner wall!"

With that said, the Militia drove toward the closest sounds of battle, and caught sight of the Sabre vehicles and a huge hole in the outer wall.

The Militia men set up Havoc WBLs where they were, hidden behind some bushes, with a goal to prevent cannons from the inner wall from firing at the Sabres, whom had not yet noticed any inner wall. "Fire!" yelled Duxburian, and they let loose a volley that shrieked over the Armadillo and slammed into a few Tempest cannons on the inner wall, alerting the Sabres to the new threat.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:49 pm
by Wild Boys
The figure was still looking closely around and Snake was still looking at its every move. But then, the worst of the worst happened. It started to walk closer to where Snake was peeking out of its site.

"Uh oh" he whispered.

Snake went quietly down the steps. The figure was getting closer and closer which gave Snake no option but to hide underwater.

He went into the water quietly and hid under the dingy so he couldn't be seen in the water as easily. With the figure coming closer, this was getting tense and annoying for Snake.

He could see the figure looking over and checking if there was anything going on.

Then, in a very frightening move, he dived into the water!

"DAMMIT!" Snake bubbled in his voice.

The figure saw him and Snake started to swim fast with the figure chasing him. It had all gone pear shaped for Snake and he had barely got onto the island.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 9:57 pm
by Toaster
Toaster saw a barrage of shots hit the Tempest compound. Shots that weren't from the Gemini cannons. Looking off to the side, he spotted motion in the bushes a ways off. Figuring it to be no immediate threat, he yelled to his team to keep going. The Tempest wall had been breached, and Tempests were trying to get out. Luke kept them pinned, though. Wontwood continued firing into the city, now aiming for where the mystery fire had hit.

c'mon, we need some 'inside' action here.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:06 pm
by Mutton
Fearghas by talking to the guard learnt that he was in a base belonging to a team called the tempests. He pulled a small wire out of his pocket and picked the lock. The door opened silently. He spotted a lone guard walking down the corridor and punched him out. He quickly grabbed what looked like a storm 300 and some keys. He then proceeded to free his friends and some other kids he didn't know. They followed some signs to the armory and found 2 monster XLs one he gave too Mikey and the other too Daniel. He then armed himself with 2 XP 270s and the rest of the team took max D 6000's. They looked out the window and saw lines of WBLs firing over the wall. Mikey aimed at one and shot the two men manning it. 12 men began to fire at them but were quickly taken out. Fearghas and his team then charged outside to take out anymore troops in that area.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:37 pm
by Forceuser
Force emerged from the manhole with Ed and Nat having taking covering positions. Although there was no one in sight, he could hear the guards round the corner. After checking to make sure everyone was out of the manhole, Force moved to the corner and looked round.

Two different guards were standing there. Force signalled for his squad to go forward. They readied their weapons and stepped out.

Before they knew what was happening, the guards had been hit by several powerful streams of water. Shocked temporarily, they could not react before Force and Ed grabbed them and tied their hands behind their backs. They were pulled inside the guard station and gagged, the door locked behind them.

"Now we go our separate ways," explained Force, "See you guys back at the base."

"See ya," replied Ed, and him, Nat and Rick headed off in the opposite direction to Force.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:06 pm
by Toaster
"I don't know how much longer we can keep this up..." Toaster thought, scooting the Armadillo back and forth. Or at least, the closest thing to 'scooting' the Armadillo could muster. The Tempests were pounding away at the vehicle, and the people up top were running out of ammo. Wontwood still zipped back and forth in his vehicle, but it looked like the fighting was beginning to take a toll on him too.
Making a snap descision, he called out the window, "HANG ON! WE'RE LEAVING!" He put the Armadillo into a tight spin and hauled out of range of the Tempest weapons. Wontwood wasn't far behind, and once they got around two kilometers out, they loaded the Scr.apper onto the Armadillo. Then, they headed back to the clearing by a roundabout route, to try and lose any Tempests in pursuit.

We're all waiting...

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:48 am
by Forceuser
Force looked at his watch and, realising they were late, he picked up the pace.

"Come one guys, the Sabres can't hold out for that long," Force called to his squad.

As they drew nearer, the sounds of battle could be heard. Everyone checked their guns were ready.

Heading round a corner, the Tempest superweapon could be seen. It was mounted in the back of a small truck, it's barrel pointing toward the Armadillo. It fired off a shot and Force saw it just miss the Armadillo. Suddenly the Armadillo turned and fled.

"Now's our chance to strike," thought Force.

Signalling his team forward, they sprinted for the truck. The Tempests in it didn't notice them until it was too late. Force and Stingray went for the cab and pulled the two Tempests out, throwing them onto the floor. The ones on the back firing the weapon were knocked off by a couple of water balloons from Sophie and Piranha.

Stingray, who was in the driver's seat, revved up the engine and put his foot down. The truck screeched off with Tempests running after it.

"How are we going to get out?" Stingray asked, confused.

"We have a large gun with us, shouldn't be that hard," replied Force, laughing. He popped his head out the window and looked back. "Can you clear us a patch of wall please."

Piranha aimed the gun at the wall and let her rip. The blast smashed a hole through the wall. Stingray turned the truck towards it and crashed through the little amount of wall remaining.

Force smiled. "Now we can try and find Toaster and clear off anyone following him."