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Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:43 pm
by Commander_Gaunt
Commander Guant wormed his way up to the tempest camp perimeter and crouched behind a bush, he only had one gun, his black CPS 2500 with a very limited water supply, he sat behind a bush and waited.

The tempests had 5 minute patrols with another irregular patrol every 15 minutes. A strange smile passed across CGs face, the tempest commander was impressively paranoid. A man after his own heart.

He stole through the tempest base, and listened carefully beside every tent, he needed to find an unoccupied one fast. His 5 minutes were nearly up. He listened intently by another tent flap. Nothing. He flipped open his pen knife and cut the tent open just under the normal flap, he couldn't risk opening the zip.

He was in the store tent. All this bases food and water and spare guns were right here. After a quick look at the gun rack, he selected a small WBL and a packet of water balloons, he had to travel light. He also took a powerful torch, a backpack and a spare knife. After refilling his gun and taking a small bottle of drinking water, he opened the large water canisters and tore up all the packets of food into them. You didn't have to use force to stop an advance. He was in two minds about the guns, it would be harsh to destroy them, but he did cut off the tyre valve from all the WBLs, tyre valves were cheap, so he had no regrets.

Commander Gaunt crept out and into the woods again. The night swallowed him up.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:04 pm
by Spinner
"Good work Forceuser," replied Spinner, "The special troops are just arriving now." Looking towards the sky, Forecuser saw aircraft flying past. Wondering what they were actually doing, he then saw curious little white specks in the sky, which grew larger and larger.

Then it clicked. Paratroopers! "That's excellent, Spinner. Once you've cleared the Tempests from your building and freed Duxburian, come and join us in the final assualt on the base."

Drifting down quietly, the elite paratroopers, all armed with CPS 1000s and water balloons, approached the square. The Tempests, all eyes on the enemy on the ground, did not notice them until it was too late...

EDIT: Note that this topic has surpassed even the length of the eBay topic! I believe, although I may be wrong, that this makes it the longest ever topic at SSCentral. B)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:28 pm
by Toaster
yeah, that's great! Paratroopers, that's brilliant. I don't have any ideas for more battle story, but I'll put in something special once the fighting at least calms down. ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:14 pm
by Commander_Gaunt
Yeah, I try to stick with simple things like a water gun, a knife and a WBL. I dunno how you fight water battles, but we sure as Hasbro HQ don't kill people or have a few airplanes lying around.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:41 pm
by Forceuser
Forceuser and his squad came out onto the floor behind Monsoon. "Need any help?" Force asked, smiling. "Force, it's good to see you." Monsoon replied. "We'll help you clear the way to the Tempest Commander." Force explained, "Stingray, Piranha, you stay here and guard our backs. Come on let's go."

They headed up the stairs to the third floor. Force poked his head out and looked down the corridor. A lone Tempest was walking along it. He saw Force. Moving quickly, Force shot him in the back of the head before he could escape.

Force ran over to him and hauled him to his feet. "Where is the commander?" He demanded. "Upupstairs." The Tempest mumbled. "Is there anyone guarding him?" Force asked. "He has four bodyguards."

Force looked at Monsoon and Racer, "You two take them, we'll hold it here." Just then, there was noise from down the corridor. A large group of Tempests had appeared. "Go." Force shouted. He took position on one side of the corridor, with Sophie on the other. Monsoon and Racer ran up the stairs.

You can deal with the commander now, Monsoon.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:31 pm
by Spinner
With the office building liberated and Duxburian rescued, Spinner smiled. "Well done lads," he told them through the radio, "Now to see how Forceuser and the others have been doing with the Tempest base. I'm coming down." Having said that, he jogged down the stairs, exited the building, and boarded a nearby militia jeep. Twenty paratroopers climbed aboard a lorry, and they all set off for the base.

Arriving there, they could hear sounds of a fight coming from the upper floors. Then Spinner noticed many men leaving the, presumably, dormitory building next door, and rushing into the back of the HQ building. "We've got to stop them - they'll trap Forceuser and the others! Come on!"

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:51 pm
by Toaster
"He's coming around," Toaster heard a voice say. His head felt like a steamroller had been practicing on it. Opening his eyes slowly, blinding light filtered in.
"He's OK! Hey Wontwood, Bukan, Monkey, Toaster's all right!"
Toaster's vision eventually resolved into a scene of his friends leaning over him, Eyleascial in the centre.
"Am I dead?" Toaster asked, "Because if I am, I'm definitely not in Hasbro HQ."
Eyleascial and the others looked a bit puzzled, but they were relieved to see their commander was awake again. Toaster grinned as he sat up.
"The fighting has moved to a different part of the city," Wontwood informed him. Toaster was glad to hear it. He couldn't take much more fighting today. Looking around, he saw he was in the same foyer that they'd been defending earlier, in nearly the same spot Eyleascial had been set down in when she was knocked out. Smiling at the irony, Toaster slowly got to his feet. The Sabres walked out of the building, and got into the Armadillo. Eyleascial hopped onto her bike, and Wontwood reclaimed the Broadsword's seat. The militiamen had taken off to continue fighting, so Monkey and Bukan manned the front Geminis. Confidently, Toaster took the vehicle forward, heading for the fight, with a cry of "One More!"

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:53 am
by Forceuser
Forceuser and Sophie were shooting continuously down the corridor. In such a confined space, the Tempests had nowhere to hide. However, they were slowly advancing down the corridor, due to sheer numbers.

"What I'd do for a WBL right now." Force thought. He grabbed a WB and threw it down the corridor, soaking another few Tempests. "There's too many of them!" Sophie shouted, "We've got to fall back." "I'll cover you." Force replied, "Back to the stairwell."

They both lobbed WBs down the corridor, temporarily making the Tempests duck for cover. Sophie got up and ran back to the stairwell. Force fired an arc of covering fire. Checking she was in position, he too turned and ran back, setting up position on the opposite side.

"How are you for cartridges?" He called over. "Enough for two minutes." She replied. "Dang!" Thought Force, "They better hurry up." He fired again.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:42 pm
by Spinner
Spinner and his troops scrambled out of the vehicles and ran towards the entrance, blasting away at the men running inside, who saw them and returned fire. Some started to retreat back towards the building they had come from, but they were rounded up by the militia; others jumped for the doorway. The door opened outwards, however, and they didn't have a chance to shut it before they had to defend themselves against the streams of water wending their ways through the doorway. Spinner rushed to the building's wall, and aimed a few shots at those just inside the doorway. A couple of water bombs chucked into the doorway completed the first stage of the attack, and they heard footsteps running away, into the building. "Forward people, but keep your eyes open," ordered Spinner, "There's bound to be some hidden enemies there." They regrouped and plunged forward, into the dark lower levels of the building.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:23 pm
by Toaster
Toaster was slowly driving through the streets, laying out a search grid for any remaining Tempest forces. They had been unable to locate the fighting they'd originally set out to, but he figured clean-up was just fine. He needed a break. Eyleascial was following the Armadillo at a distance, in case Tempests heard the vehicle coming and hid. So far they'd only seen a few enemy soldiers, and one jeep. Luckily, they hadn't seen any tanks since the fighting moved off. Toaster was beginning to doubt the Armadillo's frame could take a tank bombardment.
Reminicing while keeping his eyes peeled, the leader of the Sabres turned a corner.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:12 pm
by Monsoon
Racer, can you please post at least one more part? If you don't reply in a day I'll take over.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:11 pm
by RacerSoaker445
I'm wiped of ideas. Sorry. I'll try though;

Racer and Monsoon headed up the stairs, with one door, no name on it. They kicked it open.

10 WBL armed elite Tempests were there, ready to fire, Racer and Monsoon took out four, but that wasn't enough, so they retreated down the stairs, with a little bit of sniping, the team managed to shoot the rest of the elites.

They progressed through the door and a voice greeted them...

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:17 pm
by Spinner
"Here, fellows, throw your weight behind this door. It's locked," called Spinner. "On second thoughts, 5 of you get ready to fire at whoever's on the other side. Ready? One...two...three..."

They hurled themselves again at the flimsy wooden door, and it splintered and cracked before them, falling vertically downwards. Sure enough, two or three Tempests were there with CPS 2100s, but the cover fire repelled them, and they fled down the corridor to the right. "After them," commanded Spinner, "let's keep the initiative with us." Forward the party went, after the departing soldiers.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:18 pm
by Forceuser
Force and Sophie were doing their best to keep the Tempests at bay. Force shot another Tempest trying to charge them. He aimed at a group of them and fired. Nothing. "S***!" He exclaimed. Opposite him, Sophie had also run out.

Force took his last remaining water balloon. He threw it. The Tempests ducked for cover. Then they got up again and started advancing. With no water left, Force and Sophie had to surrender. They lowered their guns and raised their hands.

The Tempests moved forwards to cuff them. Force spotted a WBL on the one that was approaching him. He kicked upwards between his legs. The Tempest was stunned. Force grabbed him and the WBL. Pointing it at his head, he turned towards the Tempests, "All right, weapons down or I shoot. And release her." He motioned towards Sophie. The Tempests slowly put their weapons on the floor and let go of Sophie. Sophie picked up a CPS 2100 for herself, and kicked the other guns away.

"Now move away down the corridor." Force demanded. Hesitantly, the Tempests moved backwards. "Come on, or I'll shoot him." Force walked towards them, guiding them back. They were heading towards the room at the end. "In there." They went into the room. Force stood outside the door. He smiled evilly, pointed the WBL at them, and fired. Quickly, he hit his hostage round the head and then slammed the door shut. He wedged himself against it.

The Tempests behind tried to shove the door open. Then, Force spotted some keys on the Tempest lying on the floor. He pointed at them, and Sophie grabbed them. She quickly locked the door. "Well that was close." Force commented. He picked up a modded CPS 1500. They headed back down to the stairs.

As they reached them, Stingray's head popped up, "We've got trouble. Loads of Tempests." Force looked at Sophie and sighed. They headed down, weapons ready.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:34 pm
by Toaster
Toaster was getting a bit tired of their search. They had been at it for a while, and the Sabres hadn't spotted a single Tempest.
Finally giving up, Toaster shut off the engine and hopped out. He was going to listen for the fighting so they could join in. He chided himself for not doing this before, which would have saved them a lot of time.
Straining, Toaster turned around, listening hard. Nothing. No sound reached them. Toaster surmised that the fighting must have been over by now, or else they'd hear it.
Turning to Bukan, he said "I guess the fighting stopped."
"No. The fighting's just beginning!" said a voice from between the buildings.
A few dozen Tempests left their hiding spots, guns at the ready. From around the corner, a supertank came into view. Jumping back into the cab, Toaster started the engine as Wontwood crushed the supertank with a well-placed Broadsword round. The Sabres were outnumbered nearly 3:1, but they'd faced tougher odds before. Realizing that the Armadillo wouldn't be going anywhere, Toaster locked the cab doors and climbed out on top of the vehicle, manning one of the unused Geminis. The Tempests were lashing out with everything they had, but the Sabres had the advantage of an armoured vehicle and the Geminis' semi-automatic firing rate.

Toaster surveyed the scene. Unconscious Tempests lay all around, guns scattered across the street. These were actually just a small portion of the attackers. Once these men had gone down, the rest of them retreated with their tails between their legs. Hopping down and ordering Bukan to follow, Toaster began to restrain these Tempests with the plastic cuffs they'd found after a previous attack like this. After the insensate fighters were securely bound, Toaster and Bukan moved them off to the sidewalks.
It was then that Eyleascial rolled up.
"Where were you?" an exasperated Toaster demanded.
"I saw a Tempest group in one of the alleys. I chased them down!" Eyleascial shot back.
Calming down, Toaster realized that the Tempests had meant to distract Eyleascial so the main group could take on the Sabres without the young woman coming in to re-enforce them.
Deciding to check back with the rest of the militia, Toaster and the Sabres headed back to Central Square in the hopes they'd find some militiamen there that could answer some questions.

EDIT: whoops, bold tag! <_<