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clean and straight streams

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:45 pm
by -G-JiV-
Hi my friend. I have seen lots of Super Soakers, equally which type, air pressure, CPS, piston...just can appears everywhere and I would like to know what to do:

Usually Soakers got well-sized nozzles for their streams, 1X, 5 X, 10 X, 20 X,...and now I have got the problem that some nozzles just do not provide a "clean and straight"stream. If you ever have seen an exact and clean stream, you might know what I am talking about. I also got a CPS 2500 where the 20 X stream seems to be cut in the middle a bit(looks a bit like two streams near together). I have also seen a XP 310 where the 1/2 X stream fires straight and suddenly change and moved from left and right (just a bit, but that looks strange). This often appear altough the nozzle Cap and the original nozzle laminar seem to be in well shape.
So my questions: Does anybody knows why this happens, reasons?

and the important question, what can you do to rebuild up a clean and straight stream without turbulent problems, as they should be ? It would not be a problem if the nozzles would get a bit bigger, if drilling out may helps. I have just watched this phenomen sometimes, also on different types of guns, and I was curious whether anyone knows what to do.
I could also be creativ and try things out but I would like to know what SSC says to this.

Thanks for showing me some of your experiences :)

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:27 am
by soakernerd
Your wording is a bit unclear. Are you talking about problems inherent to a certain blaster? Or problems that developed later?

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:00 am
by cantab
I had this behaviour on the Water Warriors Argon. My attempted fixes just made it a lot worse.

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:56 am
by -G-JiV-
It is a bit difficult to translate that well into englisch... :D
I want to get a completely round and full stream but some Soakers(generaly speaking) does not provide such round and full stream. May that is because the nozzle is not smooth anywhere inside or there is some dirt in it, I do not know.
But it would be great if anyone knows what to do to reinstall a good, round stream, no turbulent parts, no spraying or any like that, the whole water out of the gun should follow so that the whole water reaches full range.
I want a glossy stream and not a burst or anything that is between this, but some nozzles does not work perfect, so you get a stream where the main water goes straight but also a bit droppes down or burst out or spray to the side.
Hope this is understanding, if not I will make two pictures and you know what I mean.

What can be done to reinstall a glossy and round stream? Drill out? Polish nozzle in the inside?

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:13 pm
by cantab
Drilling will make it worse. I would expect any dirt would get shot out normally.

On blasters with nozzle selectors, you could try removing the selector and making sure everything is all lined up properly. Also look for any flaws, especially burrs in the plastic, which you may be able to remove carefully.

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:47 pm
by -G-JiV-
Hm, good idea, may I find something disturbing the stream :)
Ok, I will get back here, thanks

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:13 am
by martianshark
Haben Sie in der Regel Deutsch sprechen? :p

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:20 am
by -G-JiV-
hahaha, du sprichst also deutsch? Hm woher das denn? Dachte du wärst ein Amerikaner^^

Also zum Problem: ich habe schon einige Soaker gesehen, welche bei manchen Düsen keine schönen, runden Strahlen abschießen, sondern der Strahl seitlich ausfranst. Es erreicht demnacht nicht das ganze Wasser ihr Ziel, bzw. wird der Strahl auch etwas abgebremst, kommt mir so vor. Ich habe auch eine CPS 2500, wo der 20 X:: Strahl mehr wie eine Herzform erscheint, also wie ein runder Strahl, und dadurch ergibt sich weniger Reichweite...Hab gelesen, den Düsenkof abschrauben und reinigen und völlig glatt polieren bzw. auf raue Plasticstellen und Plastic-stücke, die den Trahl stören könnten, achten.
Sonst eine andere idee?

Danke sehr, geht doch viel einfacher als das sinnvoll zu übersetzen :D

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:57 pm
by martianshark
Ich weiß eigentlich nicht Deutsch sprechen. Ich benutzte einen Übersetzer-Tool. Als ich übersetzte, was Sie gerade gesagt, sie habe es nicht verstehen. Es ist wahrscheinlich am besten auf Englisch zu sprechen.

Dies ist der Übersetzer Tool, das ich verwendet.

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:40 pm
by zeda.beta
Ah crap, I lost you at "deutsch." Jk, but you might want to try checking the screen in the nozzle. It might be out of line, or titled, and that would create a turbulent flow.

Re: clean and straight streams

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:45 pm
by -G-JiV-
Haha, german is difficult, I know :D

Thanks, I will look whether I can find anything like this, good idea! :)