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How does the duchenator work?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:33 pm
by Johnyshotgun
If I spelt duchenator wrong tell me. But how does it work?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:14 pm
by Silence
It's "douchenator." I'd check out the full article if you're interested in learning more about it. If you get confused by any acronyms or terminology, check the link in my signature.

The water balloon launcher is pretty simple. You fill the PC with air, stick in a sabot for wadding and a water balloon, and open the ball valve. The air rushes down the barrel and pushes the projectile out.

The problem is with the efficiency. Ball valves open fairly slowly, so the water balloon is out of the barrel long before the ball valve is completely open and before any real power can be generated.

Look into using sprinkler valves, piston valve, pull valves, etc. if you're interested in more efficient trigger valve systems. Potato cannon websites like SpudFiles offer far more information on these pneumatic systems. People like joannaardway here at SSC are active on spud forums too, so they know a good deal of information.

Check out the battle-practical water balloon launchers thread at WWc to look at some things people are considering to improve water balloon launchers. water balloon launchers are really just pneumatic spud guns that require less range and that need to be battle-practical - higher rate of fire, smaller size, etc.

EDIT: Looking at Drenchenator's post below, I guess I missed all the important stuff. As he says, the Douchenator is easy to build and gets the job done.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:26 pm
by Drenchenator
The Douchenator is basically the standard design for a linear ball-valve-actuated water balloon launcher. Basically, the ball valve is closed and air is pumped into the chamber. The chamber has a set volume; when more air is pumped into the chamber, it compresses and charges the gun (the pressure is increased). Once the barrel is loaded and chamber charged, the gun is ready to shoot. Opening the valve discharges the pressure chamber. The compressed air pushes out the projectile (water balloon) in an attempt to equalize with the atmosphere.

A water balloon launcher like the Douchenator is actually extremely easy to build. Check out SoakerMedia's article on how to construct one.

Edit: SilentGuy beat me to the response.


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:20 pm
by Johnyshotgun
Thanks alot for all the information you have given me today. TTTTTTTTyyyyyyyyyy.