Donate a water gun to US troops in Iraq

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Donate a water gun to US troops in Iraq

Post by SSCBen » Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:34 am

Today I got an email from some US troops in Iraq. They're stationed in a hangar and some Australians in their hangar declared a water war on them. They went looking for the best in water weaponry and found SSC, but they can't buy or build water guns and couldn't offer much for them. So I'm donating two APHs to them (these were already built). I don't use them and could make more without much effort, so I thought it would be cool to help some guys in need. It gets pretty hot in Iraq and down time can be boring, so there's obviously no better activity than a water war.

If you would like to donate any water guns, send an email to david.giles at

Again, I think this is a good cause and a good way to spread water guns and water warfare.

A bonus is that they said they'll send pictures of the war with the Australians, so that's something to look forward to if you send a water gun.

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Re: Donate a water gun to US troops in Iraq

Post by SSCBen » Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:21 pm

I've received another email from some more US troops who want water guns. Given that I can't provide much more I decided to post here. If you have any extra water guns you have no use for, let me know and I'll get them in contact with you so you can send them something.

The Middle East gets extremely hot this time of year (up to 120 degrees F and higher). Troops don't have many physical activities they can do in that heat. Water fights not surprisingly are some of the best activities for the heat, so naturally water guns are needed for them.
