The new dodo member!!!!

General water gun discussion.
Soaker Mom
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:59 pm

The new dodo member!!!!

Post by Soaker Mom » Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:36 pm

Okay--so I'm the new dodo member :eek: . I started a thread in the buy/sell section, but really what I need is some help with a water gun that I bought my son. If any of you are so kind as to view the "Need tech help" thread in the buy/sell section, I would be SOOO super grateful. I can't wait for him to be able to use this monster arm gun. Thank you.

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Post by Silence » Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:58 am

Hello, and welcome to SSC. Generally, creating two threads about a single subject isn't preferred, but since you're a new member (and one who minds her grammar), this is fine. Once again, welcome!

vBulletin automatically marks the forums and the individual threads that have changed since the last time you visited. And if one visits often, it is pretty obvious when any new thread pops up (but not as obvious as a new reply in an old thread). I don't know about others, but I usually don't miss these new replies, so there's no need to worry about having to use multiple threads.
